Thursday, April 07, 2005

Happy Pope Day!

John Paul II assumed the papacy just as I started my freshman year of college. His 1979 tour of the U.S. was scheduled to travel on Broad Street near the college I attended in Philadelphia. Although not Catholic, I decided that since he was dropping by my neighborhood, I would line up to see such an important world figure. Most businesses and schools were closed that day and the subways were jammed with pope-peepers flowing in from the surrounding area. John Paul II was scheduled to travel north on Broad Street and perform a service in a public park.

With no classes scheduled, my Jewish classmate and I cheekily wished each other a Happy Pope Day as we parted company the prior day. Camera in hand, I left the dorm early that day and took a curbside seat. I spent hours keeping the curb warm, an effort usually reserved only for obtaining tickets to a rock concert.However, the pope's entourage was behind schedule and the speedy trip up Broad Street resulted in only two shots of John Paul II - one coming and one going! I purchased a John Paul II button from a local street vendor and headed back to my dorm, pope images safely ensconced on the film of my camera.

Throughout the years, the Pope's position on world issues was given the same regard as that of the leader of a first world nation. The only 2 major issues I strongly disagree with are the Catholic church's continuing stance on birth control (considering the already exploding world population) and brushing over the sexual abuse scandals. I have worked in a psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents, and by far the most difficult patients were those that had been sexually abused. The (mostly) men who have been able to survive and get on with their lives deserve more redress from the Catholic church. But religion, being what it is, allows one to make up the rules as they go along.

Still, I feel lucky to have had the chance to see such a famous and world-traveled Pope. Think of the Frequent Flyer miles he must have! They will surely see him into heaven and beyond.

Happy Pope Day!


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