Friday, September 16, 2005

What's For Dinner? Not Food.

This is yet another case of seriously dysfunctional parents. Why are these people allowed to have so many special needs children? Even one is a challenge, and two or more "normal" children can be a handful.

You gotta love this quote from the article describing children with pica:

"Some of these children have eaten batteries, clothes, blankets, mattresses, wood, carpets, chemicals and anything they could obtain, which is why the kitchen cupboards
are locked," said David Sherman, the couple's attorney.

Ok, these people keep the kitchen cabinets LOCKED and then wonder why the child eats non-food items....Help me out here - am I the only one to see the irony in this? Or, is it that the batteries, clothes, and blankets are locked in the cabinets, while the food remains available because the parents know the kids won't eat it?


At 9:22 AM, September 16, 2005, Blogger Zube said...

That's just awful! Geez.

At 7:42 PM, September 20, 2005, Blogger Zube said...

Hey, Junebee! I was wondering if you'd maybe shoot me an e-mail?! I was wondering if you could do a CAWOW! for me! Thanks! :-)


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