Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Big K. Update Part 2

I took Big K for a follow-up today, and sadly, he has lost almost a pound. He was only 9 pounds to begin with, so he really can't afford to lose anything. The vet said I should give him anything (reasonable) he will eat. Last night I made Arroz Con Pollo (chicken and rice) and he begged for and got quite a bit of chicken. Today I gave him baby food chicken, which he really seemed to like. I also bought several cans of Fancy Feast. I had bought it for 25 cents a can one time, and he really liked it.

He has another appointment in two weeks. Luckily Thanksgiving is coming up and he really likes turkey and ham. I will go easy on the ham because I know it's salty and that can't be good for his kidneys. Hopefully lots of turkey and a little bit of ham will tempt him. There is also baby food ham. I may try that.


At 9:07 PM, November 22, 2005, Blogger Zube said...

I'm so sorry I missed commenting on Big K. I hope he eats loads of good stuff on Thanksgiving and gains weight.

I hate when my 'babies' are sick.

At 1:16 PM, November 23, 2005, Blogger Jess said...

Will he eat eggs? Thats tempting to my dog.

At 5:25 PM, November 23, 2005, Blogger kazumi said...

I'm so happy he's feeling better! I'll be thinking of him over the next little while and look forward to you writing about a full recovery xx

At 8:28 PM, November 23, 2005, Blogger junebee said...

Zube-girl: Big K. had a pre-Thanksgiving treat. Nanny G. shared her food with him. This is really out of character for a Colombian, since most people in other countries don't regard pets as we do (basically, they don't think pets are children with fur!). I was really surprised. She had ham and turkey from her fiance's class party at tech school and she gave some to Big K. while I was at martial arts last night.

Jess: I have tried eggs but I don't think he likes them. I'm actually giving him baby food chicken. He really likes it and it's 100 calories a jar, which should help him.

Kazumi: I'm hoping too. He was tested at the vet yesterday and at least does not have feline aids or feline leukemia, both of which can cause weight loss. The vet is just wondering why Big K's immunities are low since he gets sick often.


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