Monday, February 13, 2006

Foray into Fast Food

Today was the occasion of the Branch and Blossom's first foray into fast food. Like it or not, fast food will be part of their lives. The higher goal was to accustom them to the experience of restaurant dining. The plan is to start them out at fast food places, move up to buffet places (i.e. Golden Corral) and onto casual sit-down restaurants (Beef O'Brady's, a Herding Cats favorite. We went early, (11:30, which is really their lunch time anyway) and on Monday to minimize the waiting and the inconvenience to both the restaurant and other customers.

The adventure began at Burger King. Branch and Blossom had chicken fries, French fries and vanilla shake. Blossom, a notoriously picky eater, of course ate everything with great glee. The Branch ate, but also stared at workers who filed in shortly after us to eat Whoppers. I'm not sure if it was the men or the size of the burgers he was staring at. Either way, I tried to re-direct his attention to our table.

In Branch's pic it doesn't look like he has much food. That is because he will cram all available food into his mouth, we have to dole out each tidbit separately. And in Blossom's pic, yes, the table was clean. If we put the food on a napkin she will eat that too! Such is life with toddlers.

The outing was a success and we'll do it again next month.


At 8:18 PM, February 13, 2006, Blogger DDW said...

Oh, my son is hooked on McDonald's fries, which are nuclear-tipped FAT bombs. Good luck weening them off this stuff!

At 8:19 PM, February 13, 2006, Blogger black feline said...

i suppose once in a blue moon is ok..but pretty difficult to ween them off when in later part of their lives...peer pressure comes in.

At 10:30 PM, February 13, 2006, Blogger Spider Walk said...

They are adorable Junebee! I love the pictures. It's good that you are starting early with teaching them how to behave while dining out. At their age fast food restaurants are a good start. There is always something interesting for them to look at or watch, and the employees there are used to cleaning up after messy tots!

One thing I learned from experience is to always keep a keen eye on what the server gives to them. Once while we were eating out and my kids were 5 and 2 the waitress gave my youngest a tortilla chip! We didn't notice at the time because the oldest was fussing over something and we were distractd for only a milisecond. The waitress thought she was being helpful by keeping Moogs occupied, but he ended up choking on the chip. I have never been so scared in ALL of my life. We had to do the Heimlich maneuver for infants on him. Thank God we had both been trained in first aid!

At 1:53 AM, February 14, 2006, Blogger Lin said...

They are gorgeous! So very, very cute. I can't imagine how tough it is to go into ANY restaurant with two tinies! You're brave, m'dear!

At 10:28 AM, February 14, 2006, Blogger junebee said...

Lagato: I don't know about that. You should've seen the Branche's dirty diaper this morning! Ugh!

Don Wood: I know, I know. But the Citizen and I really enjoy all types of restaurants, so I figured this was the best way to begin restaurant training early.

Black Feline: If the most peer pressure they get is over fast food, the Citizen and I will be some lucky parents!

Spiderwalk: I actually picked up all the fries on the floor to minimize the cleaning experience for the staff!

People shouldn't give any food to kids w/o asking the parents first. Especially tiny ones.

Lin: I did have help, Nanny G. was with me. I wouldn't have attempted it alone!

At 10:15 PM, February 14, 2006, Blogger Crystal said...

Fast food is a major part of my life too ;-), but it's been quite a while since I've had one of those glorious charbroiled WHOPPERs! Cute cute kids!


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