Thursday, January 26, 2006

Cat Turd Snacks

Via the Don Wood Files, news has it that Hollywood has-been Dick Van Patten is promoting (did he invent this stuff too?) a brand of dog food that promises to be as good as home cooked meals. Even if I had a dog and made it home cooked meals, I sure wouldn't taste the stuff.

I'm reminded of the brands of dog food that purport to include vegetables. Dogs eat alot of things, including cat turds, but not vegetables. Anyone who owns both a dog and a cat knows how tough it is to keep Rover out of the litterbox. Why, it's like a doggie junk-food machine in there! My mom asked the veterinarian she takes her pets to, and this doc said dogs consider kitty turds a turn-on.

Which gives me an idea. Market cat turds as dog snacks for people who have dogs but no cats. Hey, I alreay have two cats! Talk about an Internet start-up! The company could be called "Herding Cat Turds".


At 7:54 PM, January 27, 2006, Blogger Crystal said...

Thanks for the tip to never mix cats & dogs!

At 2:36 PM, January 29, 2006, Blogger Zube said...

That is SUCH a great idea! I have a dog and three cats. Zube Boy jokes that if we didn't hide the box, we would never have to clean the litter box. The kitties would poo inside and the dog would in turn ingest it and poo it outside. Truthfully, my stomach can't handle that solution. Much as I hate cleaning the litter box, well, I'd rather clean it.

At 11:28 PM, January 29, 2006, Blogger StringMan said...

Herding Cat Turds. You are too funny!I have two cats also. We could team up. It only goes to prove how stupid Dogs really are.
(spoken like a cat guy :)

At 8:03 PM, January 31, 2006, Blogger black feline said...

i think it's good for diplomatic tie improvement between dogs and cats...settle the feud once and for

At 10:07 PM, January 31, 2006, Blogger Spider Walk said...

My dog is alergic to meat and dairy. Can you imagine? Anyways...I always know when she has struck gold out back and eaten a pile of stray cat snacks....her alergies flair up something!!

She will cry to get off her leash out back when she see a pile of poor dog. She is so DEPRIVED!!!

At 2:55 PM, February 01, 2006, Blogger junebee said...

Crystal: You can mix cats and dogs. And their poop.

Zube girl: I knew you could relate to this!

Stringman: Yup. Dogs are stupid. They eat poop.

Lagato: You can corner the high-end market. I'll got for middle of the road!

Black feline: So, should we try this in the Middle East too?!

Spiderwalk: I think "depraved" is the word you want.

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