Tuesday, November 22, 2005

My First Christmas...

...as a stay-at-home parent. So, I don't know what to get/do for my husband for Christmas. I e-mailed my complaint to a friend who was also a SAHP (stay-at-home-parent) and she sent me a t-shirt of her company's product, which is a product my husband consumes too. But that's all I have and that seems sort of lame. She also suggested making a scrapbook to surprise him, but he already knows I'm doing one of pictures from the Branch's and Blossom's first year.

So, I'm asking YOU, Jess, GroovyVic, and, Mother Goose Mouse for suggestions.

It seems stupid to buy him something with his own money and wrap it up in a box. That's one thing I hate about being a stay-at-home parent - no income.


At 9:09 PM, November 22, 2005, Blogger Zube said...

Maybe this is stupid, but when we've not had a whole lot of money, I've given Zube Boy gift certificates that I made for Christmas. Things like, "One Free Foot Rub!" or, "Your Favorite Meal and Candles!"

It's kind of fun when he turns them in. :-) They can also be a little, erm, racy. ;-)

At 1:52 AM, November 23, 2005, Blogger Lin said...

I'm trying to remember...is it your guy who travels a fair amount? If I have that right, then I have some suggestions. One year I got my husband stuff to make travelling more comfortable. Not expensive stuff. His favorite miniature shaving creams, toothpastes, etc. Then a really cute, really tiny little travel alarm. A really fine quality Charisma pillow case cos when you put one of those on your hotel pillows it just feels better. Good Brazilian (havaianas) flip flops for wearing around the hotel room...stuff like that. Oh and a really nice, tiny, framed pic of the kids to pack in his suitcase.

So, if it's NOT your guy who travels a lot, what a bunch of weird words I just wrote!

Have a grand Thanksgiving.

At 1:19 PM, November 23, 2005, Blogger Jess said...

Well, not even sure what Im going to do for my Mr this year yet. But last year I got him a card when I was shopping for groceries and he had no idea..I also made him a graphic on the computer and then printed it on paper and stuck it in there. He liked it so much that he printed it on photo paper and still has it in his wallet.. Everytime I see it there I smile. Its just something with a goofy stick couple, our names and aniversary date on it.

Guess thats not good presents but he said that all he wanted for Christmas was me :)
The gift certificates Idea is a good one, maybe I will do that this year.

At 5:22 PM, November 23, 2005, Blogger kazumi said...

My suggestion is a super comfortable plain white tshirt or singlet (something to wear to bed) and fabric paint (maybe a specific colour for each twin).
The idea is to get Blossom and Branch and make a tshirt for their father using their hand/foot prints (not sure how you'd logistically do this with twins, maybe one hand/foot at a time per twin).
A close friend did this for her husband two years ago when their son was one and besides looking adorable, he still wears it as a keepsake and is very attached to it. It keeps him feeling close to his son at night.
The fabric paint has kept really well over the years and being a fashion designer, she chose great colours, which really made the top (I think sky blue and avacado or sky blue and a beige/tan colour).
I think it's a great idea and plan to do it for Luc as part of his Christmas present this year.

At 8:24 PM, November 23, 2005, Blogger junebee said...

Zube-girl: I thought of doing certificates to relieve him of his weekly chores such as putting out the trash. Not sure how he'd respond to the steamier certificates!

Lin: Yes he travels, but his needs are basic. The first year we were married, my mother got him one of those small bean pillows, eyeshades, etc. and the only time he used the pillow was when we flew to HI on our honeymoon. He uses his cellphone for an alarm clock too.

Jess: I do sneak cards for him into the grocery bill!

Melissa: He says it's my money too but I still feel silly doing it. Just like in college, my dad paid for almost everything, so I felt silly buying him a Christmas present. But almost all semesters I had some type of part-time job, so I told myself the money for dad's present came from the jobs!

Kazumi: This is an excellent idea. I want to look into it. He likes to wear comfortable t-shirts to sleep in. I have to look into the fabric paint and make sure it's safe to put on Branch and Blossom's body parts! I know Nanny G. will help me corral Branch and Blossom and get their co-operation.


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