Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Kindergarten: Welcome to the Real World

This link provides more than enough evidence to send parents running and screaming for home-schooling or private school. Why, WHY is the subject of families headed by same-sex parents even being INTRODUCED at the kindergarten level? A child’s world at this age is very, very small. The smallness of his world provides a certain level of security and a foundation upon which to gradually learn more about the world. This is hardly a topic appropriate for middle schoolers, much less kindergardeners. And now David Parker must actually go to court to preserve his son’s innocence.

Yes, there are all sorts of families in the world. And as we meet them on our journey through life, we’ll introduce them to our children as WE see fit, not as some government agency (i.e., the school district) deems necessary. The school’s job is to teach the 3 R’s – a shorthand way of saying ACADEMICS. In kindergarten, that means colors, shapes, and numbers. It means getting along with classmates and listening to the teacher - the foundation of basic social skills for success in future grades. That's it. Nothing more. At this young age, children do not need to know about other family structures, especially ones that their parents would not want discussed in school.

Morals and values regarding family relationships are the jobs of the families. The kinds of relationships we deem healthy for our children are for us to decide. It is our job as parents (and Mr. Parker was striving to do his job as a parent) to make decisions for our children on what constitutes a healthy relationship. We often live by example – children who grow up with parents who have a healthy relationship learn to persue healthy relationships as adults. And, unfortunately, the reverse is true.

There are several types of human relationships that I, as a parent, will not encourage my children to persue. Prostitute and client. Drug user and dealer. Abuser and victim. And, yes, homosexual relationships. We’ll address the homosexual relationship when it arises – not when the public school decides to introduce it. When my child comes home from school and asks what “gay”means. When my child has a friend who lives with a parent in a homosexual relationship. And yes, if my child comes to me and announces he is gay. Not before. Not when he’s supposed to be learning his colors and ABC’s. My child, my agenda. Not the agenda of do-gooder liberals.


At 8:11 AM, August 12, 2005, Blogger Jess said...

I agree with you 100 percent!

I even talked about this to the hubby last night and HE agrees too.

I hope to see this one taken to the higher courts personally and may us parents win this one.


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