Saturday, January 14, 2006

Ren & Stimpy

Man, do I miss this show. I got turned onto it by a guy I dated around the time it came out. The characters were like a train wreck- grotesque, but you couldn't help but watch anyway. The phlegmatic Ren Hoek. The clueless, drooling Stimpy. The 60's decor. Ahh, those were the days. Many cartoons have copied but none have come close. Ever since Ren & Stimpy, many cartoons have ugly, grotesque characters, including the ever-popular Spong Bob Square Pants.

I still sing the "Log" theme song to the Branch. See, the Branch is really big so sometimes I tell him that he's not really a branch, he's more like a log.

I've also been trying to find the opening theme song to use as a cellphone ringtone.


At 4:38 PM, January 15, 2006, Blogger StringMan said...

Ren & Stimpy was a constant in my house. The String Girls loved it. I became a fan, too. Can't believe even the cartoon channel doesn't have it anymore.

At 12:36 AM, January 16, 2006, Blogger Spider Walk said...

I had forgotten about that show! I used to watch it all the time when my daughter was smaller. It was always good for a laugh...kind of like the one I got when I read that you tell Branch he is more like a log!!

At 9:13 PM, January 16, 2006, Blogger junebee said...

Stringman: I know. I've never even seen DVD's of it advertised. Poor Ren and Stimpy, sentenced to languish in obscurity.

Empress Baggie: I think I heard that too, but alas, to no avail.

Spiderwalk: Hee, hee. Yes, but I just can't get in the habit of calling him "Log".


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