Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A Harrowing Morning

One of Blossom's favorite things is to carry something and walk around the house. This morning it was an empty plastic cup. Who would have thought, and I would LOVE if Mr. Spock was here to calculate the odds, that Blossom would fall and actually cut her nostril on the cup? But that is exactly what she did.

Nanny G. and I scooped her up and gathered the Branch (no easy task) to head for the doctor. Naturally I could NOT find a pair of shoes in a panic so I ended up putting some old Airwalks on. At least as we drove to the pediatrician's office, I had the sanity to remember their number and call them to say we were coming in on an emergency. The bleeding had subsided but the cut looked deep, about an eighth of an inch into the nostril.

The doctor had to clean the wound and the Blossom screamed bloody murder, even more so than when the accident actually happened. She wiggled so much (despite me and the doctor trying to hold her down) that she rubbed the paper on the table into her head. The paper was already wet from the irrigation liquid, so the Blossom was a mess of wet hair, tears and paper wads. Both of us were crying and the Branch too. The doctor remained COOL as a CUCUMBER and so did Nanny G.

Both kids were miserable and screaming because we left the house without them getting their morning naps. We were at the doctor's for about an hour and a half, which isn't bad, considering they were swamped with appointments. The Blossom was patched up with Dermabond and given a good prognosis. Dermabond is fantastic stuff. It's Superglue for the skin.

I was crying for most of the morning too, praying she wouldn't have a scar and other fears too deep-seated to mention. I was just a mess, basically, but it's hard to remain calm and positive with two screaming kids. I quickly began to feel that there's no hope that they'll EVER stop crying.


At 2:12 PM, March 14, 2006, Blogger Lin said...

It's so scary when one of your children gets hurt. I think that even when we realize that s/he will be fine, it's the idea of this perfect little thing being scarred, frightened, in pain, etc. etc. that just leaves us limp and in a puddle of our own tears. Times like this, too, when all parents give thanks to all that's right in the world that their children are healthy.

At 2:37 PM, March 14, 2006, Blogger Spider Walk said...

I swear when one of my kids get hurt, I feel the pain 100 times more than they do!

It is really scary to see them bleeding isn't it?

Don't worry June, she will be just fine! By the time she gets her nap and some lunch in her she will be up and at em!

Aren't you glad Nanny G was around to help? I can't imagine going through something like that alone with twins!!

Feel better!

At 2:51 PM, March 14, 2006, Blogger Wendy said...

I ache just reading this. I've spent more time in the ER than I'd like to mention - so my heart is so with you! Kids forget. That's the good news... Moms are a different story -- they never forget the trauma of a hurt child.

At 8:33 PM, March 14, 2006, Blogger junebee said...

Lin: I have many, many times been grateful for the children's good health. And of course I did realize today's accident was minor in the world of mishaps that could befall a child.

Spider Walk: It was wierd, she cried very little when it happened. And yes, it was good Nanny G. was there, although it made her late for her other job. She came back to check on the Blossom and I this afternoon.
Thanks for the hugs!

Wendy: Yes, this day will live in infamy. I hope Blossom doesn't get a scar to remember it by. I kept asking Nanny G. if we needed to go to the pediatrician or ER. Soon I could tell that the pediatrician was the correct choice.

Groovyvic: Yes, she didn't seem to mind it although she was tired and grouchy the rest of the day.

Empress Baggie: It actually was not a sippy cup, it was a plastic soda cup. I think I got it for 25 cents. Thanks for the royal hug!

At 10:29 PM, March 14, 2006, Blogger black feline said...

wow...that's so scary...glad the child is safe now...as i have said before..u are a great mum..and they better be thankful when they grow up:)This blog and the rest of us will be the witness..lol

At 1:30 AM, March 15, 2006, Blogger Josh said...

That must have been scary. Glad she is okay.


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