Burned Playground + Burning Blossom = Bummed

Above is my crappy cellphone photo of one of our nicest local playgrounds, re-decorated thanks to arsonists. There's no way this steel structure could have burned up from a dropped cigarette and there was no lightning in the area at the time. The tree limbs 30 feet above were singed. The steel frame is twisted and melted (front,left) and the plastic of the yellow canopies is melted (back, left). Did the person/people who did this get more "street cred"? Did their buddies slap them on the back and congratulate them for a job well done? Does it make them feel more manly to destroy a safe playground where little kids can run freely? I hope so, because it will take tons of money to fix. More troubling is the crime itself. "Fire-setting" is a sign of serious mental disorder, which often includes animal abuse, rape, and murder. For some reason, of all the childhood "pranks" arson is a sign of a serious mental disorder. We were told that when I worked at the psyche hospital and I've seen it in psychology literature.
The Blossom has a fever of more than 104 and needs round the clock medication. She suddenly took ill today, after being cranky yesterday. However, we just put yesterday's crankiness down to teething. The doctor doesn't seem to know what's wrong with her but she got a shot of antibiotics and a blood draw just in case.
Nanny G. formerly worked for a family with a wealthy patriarch, Mr. H. The guy has a mansion with rolling lawn, replete with black iron gates with his initial in Olde English style lettering, the whole works. The first time we went to this playground, Nanny G. said: "Oh, Mr. H. was one of the people who gave the money to make this playground. He's in the rotation club." After brief thought I realized she meant... the Rotary Club!
Hey Junebee.
It's a shame about the playground and the person(s) responsible...It's hard to know what drives a person(s) to do such things.
Hopefully the Blossom is feeling better and the Branch is continuing his pushing ways.
Happy belated Mother's Day, by the way...I've been out of the loop for a little while.
Take care out there, Junebee!
Your Pal,
I hope Blossom gets to feeling better.
That is such a shame about the playground. And I've also read that arson is a warning sign for severe psychological disorders.
It's just so defeatist, lighting a playground on fire. It harms kids, and I just don't see how anyone could see to do that.
I have never heard of anyone burning down a playground! What kind of sick twisted mind would come up with that? It's kind of scary to think what the meaning/message is behind it. I do hope they find who did this. Like you said, arson is a sign of a very SERIOUS mental disorder.
How sad that the neighborhood kids don't have a place to play and get to know each other. I remember when mine were young like yours. The playground became our second home!
I hope Blossom is quickly on the mend. I know it's probably harder on you than on anyone. Keep us posted, ok??
perhaps a disturbed soul with a very disturbing childhood...sad! playground no longer safe!
I like the colors, so bright.
Hope the Blossom gets better soon.
its almost maddening when you try to figure out why people seem to have no other purpose in life but to ruin public property that others enjoy.
where does the anger come from?
what a waste of space these people are.
Damn shame about the playground. I know I did stupid things when I was a teenager, but nothing like that.
taking candy from babies...
that's disturbing about the playground. senseless really.
i had no idea about the whole arsonist's psyche. i always thought it was just the kids who harm animals who are disturbed.
All: Blossom recovered after a couple of days of on-again-off-again fever. She did lose her appetite and wouldn't sleep, on top of it. But this week (5-22 to 5-26) she's eaten well and started sleeping well before that.
The Rotary Club is asking for a volunteer cleanup crew for Saturday morning (5-27). Officials still have no leads as to who set the fire. No word on plans for replacement, which is estimated to cost 80-90K.
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