An Educated Woman

An issue resurfacing during this past Mother's Day weekend was the ol' stay-at-home vs. working mother debate. I won't pass judgment on anyone else's life choices. Each woman has to do what is right for herself and her children.
No longer is the issue only "if" and "should" a mother stay home with her children, nor how fulfilled she feels either way. No, now it extends into should an educated woman stay home with her kids. The premise seems to be that a college-educated woman who stays home with her kids offers nothing to society (what - a parent who is attentive to her child provides nothing to society by emphasizing education, and keeping her kids off drugs and away from crime?!). Awhile ago, I actually read with disbelief a blog post (since removed) where the (female) writer stated that a seat in college was wasted if it was occupied by a woman who eventually planned to stay home with her children.
I cannot see where an educated parent is not contributing to society. A woman with any college degree is a better person, whether she is a parent or not. As a mother, she can impart knowledge to her child about the subjects she studied, but there is so much more. She can appreciate differences and get along with others due to the variety of teachers and classmates she met in college. She can intelligently research any subject and have more perspective in making a decision. She can be open to new ideas and technology.
Not everyone is able to get a college education. Those who can, should. Whether they use the knowledge in the professional world or not is inconsequential. They have still broadened their horizons, which makes them a better person. And their children can only benefit. And if their children benefit, society benefits.
Did someone really say that? Unreal. I agree with you that educated people add to society. As a mother, there are hundreds, no thousands of ways to make society better without having a paying job. Raising great kids is only one of them. But a biggie.
For people to suggest that mothers shouldn't study is stupid and utterly infuriating.
There are thousands of people who attend university for reasons outside of a professional employment. Further education aims to produce great thinkers and members of society and you can never have too many of these!
Never underestimate the power of jealousy to mold political opinions. Those who would deny a college education to stay-at-home mothers, or mock those who seek one, likely fall into one or more of the following categories: cannot get a man, have no maternal instincts, or are lesbian.
Amen June. On CBS's website they have details about some woman who was on the morning show saying just that, educated women who stay at home are wasting their education. What about the women, like, me who go get their alphabet soup (BA, MSEd) and then decide that they want to stay at home? An education is never wasted. Thanks for saying again what intelligent people already know.
knowledge is power...and just to add..i think mother has the most demanding job in the whole wide world! give yourself 3 claps..Clap Clap Clap!
The only wasted seat in a college classroom is an empty seat. I agree with you 100%!
Why is it in this day and age, of choices for women, that some still ridicule the stay at home mother? Education is power, education is a gif that everyone should take advantage of, no matter where their life takes them later on. This just irritates me.
Wow. I can't believe that was said. If I ever get to have kids, Zube Boy wants me to stay home. I kind of want to work, at least a little bit, but I'm a college dropout so I guess that'd be okay with some people (morons). (Oh yeah. You can imagine my eyes rolling right about now.)
All: I think Don Wood summed it up nicely. Maybe the old working mother vs. stay-at-home mother issue has dried up. Maybe people don't care what others do so long as their own situation works for them, so someone tried to re-kindle the flame. Who knows.
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