Gratuitous Pet Picture

This is Big K getting ready to settle in for a nap on the futon. The futon is in the "sofa position" but Big K. is determined to sit on the uppermost edge, despite the sagging mattress.
Big K.'s name is Spanish is "Otro Hijo" which mean Other Son. Nanny G. christened him such and the name stuck.
We're getting ready to leave for Canada on Tuesday. On Monday we drive to Orlando to catch the flight on Tuesday. It will be the first time the Branch and Blossom have slept away from home (not counting when they were in NICU before they came home). Should be interesting, holding the 39 pound Branch for the duration of the flight to Toronto. In true geek fashion, the Citizen and I will each take our laptops. Additionally, my brother-in-law has 3 computers so we'll be connected either way.
Big K. will be tended by our long-time friend and official cat-sitter. But I will miss him anyway (Big K. Not the cat-sitter.).
Beautiful cat! Enjoy the trip... Where in Canada?
Hey Junebee!
Your cat seems like one cool customer.
I would like to welcome you to our fair land! Has an itinerary been drawn up? I imagine you'll visit all the popular landmarks in the Toronto area. We've had a bit of a heat wave these days, but I don't know how long it will last...
Take care out there, Junebee!
Your Pal,
Aaawwwww Big K is a big beauty. Have fun on your trip.
Hey Junebee!
I think our heat wave is coming to an end...Though it's been pretty hot and humid recently, I think we're in for more temperate weather next week...It was cooler around here yesterday and last night it rained...I'm not too far from Niagara Falls...(It does tend to be cooler near the Falls and there's usually a mist there, like a really light rain)...
I would suggest bringing some warmer clothing anyway because what seems really hot to us might be not-so-warm to you, compared to Florida...Plus the nights can be coldish even if it's hot during the day...
Take care out there, Junebee!
Your Pal,
Have a great trip! it takes one feline to know another...i think Big K is a bit unhappy to be left out of this big
Enjoy your trip. Toronto area is wonderful. Canadians are nice folks, except for Zambo, of course :)
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