I hate this thing.

At 5:00 AM the smoke alarm in the master bedroom decided to let us know that it was low on batteries by beeping loudly 3 times. I awoke with near heart failure. I really hate these smoke alarms and they are wired into the house. They are almost impossible to remove and there are no instructions on changing the battery. Guess the contractor discarded the instructions after installation. A few years ago, one of them did this and I ripped it out of the extra bedroom (the pre-Blossom bedroom) and discarded it into the garage, where it continued to beep plaintively for several MONTHS! It's like the darn thing wouldn't DIE!
We don't smoke and don't fry food. Our house and appliances are almost new and we don't use plug-in scent creators (I learned from a former fireman they are a real fire hazard). We should have had a choice on having these stupid things installed.
Better to at least have one than not. You never know. $10 at the local hardware store is worth it for peace of mind. I love the image of the old one beeping away long after you discarded it.
Reminds me: we once had a new radio alarm clock, and at midnight, we hear this incredible beeping sound, and start running around the house thinking it's the smoke detectors going off ... only to realize we had the radio on alarm, and it was preset to midnight. We had never heard that alarm, so had no idea what we were hearing.
What timing! I tried to run my self-cleaning oven today & the smoke alarm would not quit! What a pain in the tush!
Just twist them to take the cover off and you should be able to replace the battery easily. We have them in almost every room of our house and when they are low, I can't sllep unless we turn it off by taking everything off.
I wouldn't feel safe without mine. I agree with Stringman. Better to have at least one that not. Could you call your contractor and ask them how to change the battery?
Hey Junebee.
Sorry to hear about the annoying smoke alarm...They can be so irritating when the batteries are fading...
As for those plug-in scent creators, our house is full of them...So I mentioned to Lasagna that I just read that they are a fire hazard...Her reply: "Oh, I know"...Pretty cool, huh? Oh well...
That disposed of alarm sounds a bit like The Terminator...It just wouldn't die...I hope you crushed it with a hammer...
Take care out there...and enjoy your visit to Canada!
Your Pal,
Hm. Like a mother of twins isn't already sleep deprived enough!!
I don't blame you for being ropable on this one...
Oh lord but those hard-wired smoke detectors are great when they are working properly, but when they're on the fritz...yikes. We have them, too. With no battery to remove when they're shrieking, what is one supposed to do except RIP 'EM OUT@!
This reminds me of the other day when I was cooking, and no I didnt burn anything.... The fire alarm would not shut up and I was waving a broom in front of it. Finally I pulled the wires apart and had to explain to Mr when he got home from work exactly why he had to put it back on the wall.. hehe
I always knew growing up, when my Mom was making chicken. The smoke alarm let us all know. . . us and our neighbors. I hear you about them. When I was living in an apartment a few years ago, I had a furnace fire in my apt and the thing never even went off. Chicken, yes. Actual fire, no. What a pain!
I hate that! It always waits tll th wee hours to start beeping. Once one of mine malfunctioned and the whole house alar wnet off blaring. I ripped it from the ceiling and then smashed it with a hammer till it shut up.
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