The Agnostic Republican
So far, I am the only Agnostic Republican I know. I didn't vote until 2000 (and I live in Florida!), because I used to think my vote didn't count. But that year, my vote really DID count! I even e-mailed my (Republican) dad: "My vote counted. It really did." Or was miscounted, depending on if you subscribe to a conspiracy theory.
I agree with the Republican agenda of less government and more business (be it the megacorporation or the local hot dog vendor). I also agree with Republican efforts to protect citizen privacy and our country, cut welfare to those who don't "really" need it, and privatize as many government functions as humanly possible. But as a lifelong agnostic, I can't subscribe to the religious agenda. I believe Christianity (and I may make some enemies here), is only one of a long series of attempts that humanity has devised over eons to explain the human condition, provide structure for living, and divert itself from the fact that when we're dead, we're dead, just like the roach squashed under the boot. If there were a benevolent, all-loving god, 9/11 and other assorted acts of evil (Hitler, genocide in Rwanda, etc) would not have occurred. Children wouldn't get cancer and so on. I can't accept the fact that a loving god would let children die and let parents live with heartache, even if it were part of some greater plan.
However, I do believe that everyone should live within a philosophical code that allows them to exist in harmony with their society. Fortunately in America, people are free to choose that code, be it Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Wicca, etc. And all but the radical forms of these philosophies allow their followers to co-exist with their society. America stands for freedom of religion AND freedom FROM religion. Yes, "In God We Trust" is printed on our currency and witnesses swear on a Bible in court, but those are simply traditions. I really don't care what's printed on my money as long as the dollar buys the desired product or service. Additionally, most religions (with the possible exception of Wicca, which I have studied in detail) subjugate women. As a woman, that's unacceptable. We're half the human race.
So far I haven't encountered any other Agnostic Republicans. Is it an oxymoron, or can their be such a person? I think that there can. The political agenda is a buffet. Pick and choose what you like ("I'll take an extra helping of Free Enterprise, but hold the Christianity, please"). The Republican party and its agenda are far from perfect, but, as I say about democracy, it gives the most people the most opportunity for the most success.