Monday, May 09, 2005

Cat Snot

Here's something really gross - cat snot. A couple of Fridays ago, I brought Big K (aka Grey Butt, the Grey Guy, The Guy, Schnook, and Hon) home from the groomer. He immediately began sneezing. Thinking perhaps he was reacting to the perfumey cat-grooming products used, I let it go. The next day, he was clingy and on me like white on rice every time I sat or laid down on the couch. He continued sneezing throughout the week.

Eventually his nose began running. When I finally took him to the vet, the tech asked if his nose had been running. I looked in the cat carrier, and there he was, licking his snot like a 3-year old. Big K had a temp of 102, got a shot and was sent home with a jar o' pills (lucky me).

Once home, he resumed his spot on the bed. Out of his nose came a big green wad of snot. Then he sneezed and the snot flew off and was dangling from a whisker. There it was, green and gross and dangling from a whisker. I wiped it up with a tissue.

The pills must be working now. At least there's no more cat snot...
I should have saved it and taken it back to that groomer. He caught SOMETHING there.


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