Sunday, May 15, 2005

No More Whining Students!

I've spent many a long evening "Next Blog"ging and have discovered some great blogs out there. My folder of Blog Favorites grows and grows. People write about their pets, kids, spouses, and jobs. Some people are frightfully depressed. Others disclose traumatic incidents in their past and my heart goes out to them. Some are coping with disease or that of a loved one. Some put forth their religious and/or political views, usually with taste and fervor.

The blogs I cannot stand are those of whining students. Without exception, these are high school or college students. Shame, especially, on the college students. High school is something we're almost all forced through but hopefully we can at least be mature enough to see the long-term benefit - college, technical school, a military career, etc. And if you're going to whine about college - hey, drop out and open up the slot for someone who would really appreciate it. Higher education is a privilege not all people have. Study after study shows that those with higher education do better in life. So quit your whining, hit the books, and blog about something else.


At 12:57 PM, June 09, 2005, Blogger Crystal said...

lol, that was great. :)


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