Friday, February 17, 2006

Grocery Store Goth

The trend around here is for shopping strips not too look so, well, shopping -centerish. This has already been done in places such as Rockville, MD, where stores have brick facing and some attempt at style in features such as doors, windows, and lamp posts. The goal is to re-create the city street feeling rather than the barren, boxlike store structure. To maintain the genuine feel of city living, parking in these new centers is as hard to come by as it is in a real city.

ANYWAY, our local Publix Supermarket has small brick walls flanked by wrought-iron fencing at the end of each parking row facing the store. This gothic face fountain is one example. According to local legend, Publix got these walls and wrought-iron fencing from a nunnery near Pittsburgh, PA. I think they're rather cool, although they look somewhat out of place in sunny, cheery Florida. (Note bright blue sky in upper lefthand corner.)

Publix is the official grocery store of "Herding Cats"


At 10:50 PM, February 17, 2006, Blogger Spider Walk said...

I love the goth look as does my daughter. We went shopping today and spent most of our time in a store called "Hot Topic" it's store where all the local youth grab up skulled t-shirts and high heeled leather boots by the dozens. I know I am too old to dress that way anymore, but I do appreciate the fact that I can still walk into a goth clothing store and kick it with the youngings. During Christmas time I was even offered a job there..lmao!
Sometimes it's just so difficult to grow up :)

If we had a publix here...I know for sure it would be Ace's favorite place to shop too!

At 10:56 AM, February 18, 2006, Blogger Zube said...

That is pretty cool-looking. I have trouble picturing it in Florida, too. But, I've only been there a few times and I was at the 'touristy' places being a tourist. :-)

At 3:07 PM, February 19, 2006, Blogger junebee said...

Spiderwalk: I know, if I was a little younger I'd definitely go Goth. Especially a couple of years ago when I decided to read about my ancient German and Celtic roots. And I was collecting gargoyles.

Zube girl: Next time stop by and we can do non-touristy things together!
For example, we can sit on my screen porch and drink beer and put a couple of steaks on the grill. Or particiate in the state sport - running tourists off the road!

Groovyvic: I don't mind grocery shopping. I always like going to grocery stores in other towns and states. It helps you get the feel of the area. Glad you like the card.

At 9:22 PM, February 19, 2006, Blogger black feline said...

Most stores today lack character..u cant differentiate one from the other..this one is interesting...a good talking piece no doubt..:)

At 9:21 PM, February 20, 2006, Blogger Crystal said...

I hate "Big Box Stores", how blahhhh boring. Historic downtowns are wonderful for just strolling, and I would like to see more of that so it's great what ish happening in Rockville and places!

At 9:02 PM, February 22, 2006, Blogger junebee said...

Black Feline: That's what the builders are trying to do - give the stores character. Not to mention the characters shopping in them!

Crystal: Yeah, even down to the detail of re-creating difficulty finding parking! Very authentic. I used to really enjoy shopping when I lived in Philadelphia. I actually did my Christmas shopping on my bicycle one year when it wasn't too cold around Christmas.

Empress Baggie: You are SO right with the cake. They did my wedding cake and it was FANTASTIC! That's one of the several things that earned them my loyalty. I will have to post a pic of that cake sometime. It was my most memorable part of the wedding (other than actually marrying the Citizen, of course. Except he wasn't the Citizen then. He was the Green Card Holder.) Piggly Wiggly is a comical name for a grocery store. I laughed back when I worked at Time-Warner and saw the name.


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