Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Not Your Mother's PE

Excellent article on why we need not more P.E. (Physical Education) classes in schools, but a different P.E. concept.


At 7:55 PM, March 21, 2006, Blogger DDW said...

This is exactly right. PE, as it was constituted in the 1970s, was a trauma for boys like me - tall and gawky but not terribly coordinated. Being the last to be chosen for the PE basketball team every Monday, Wednesday and Friday was a routine humilation and turned me off the sport forever. In 1971, I did not make the required number of pull-ups to meet the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness standard. Those who did got a patch. I got zilch. I still remember Mr. Sherwood, our PE teacher, with clipboard in hand, counting my painful pull-ups. For a few weeks, I was convinced President Nixon was alerted of my weak biceps.

Now, of course, I am a superb physical speciman, with no thanks to PE. :)

I hope this idea pick up steam...

At 3:13 PM, March 25, 2006, Blogger junebee said...

Don Wood: My story was the girl version of yours. Like the author of the article, I did go on to physical skill but no thanks to high school gym.


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