Thursday, March 16, 2006

A Special Message... the jackass who called my landline at 11:00 PM last night, waking both me and the kids. I was interrupted in my dearly-needed sleep to stumble out to the living room and disconnect the phone; and my kids are cranky today. Good thing I don't know where you live.

Herding Cats usually refrains from posting with foul language. But it sure feels good to get that off my chest.


At 11:07 PM, March 16, 2006, Blogger Spider Walk said...

Ohhhh...I HATE when that happens. I hope all three of you were able to get a good nap in today :)

At 12:21 AM, March 18, 2006, Blogger Crystal said...

When I was a kid, we would do "crank calling" during sleepovers for fun, and yeah...that's really rude!

At 12:52 PM, March 18, 2006, Blogger Zube said...

Ugh! I thought the days of prank calling were over, with the advent of caller ID. If you have caller ID, I suggest you ring them up at like 5:30 in the morning. It'd be ideal if they could hear Branch and Blossom crying in the background.

At 11:06 PM, March 18, 2006, Blogger StringMan said...

Ever have that happen to you in a hotel room in the middle of the night? It's even weirder because you dont' recognize the ring, don't know where you are immediately, and then when you figure out it's the phone (and the not the alarm), you worry that there might be something wrong at home. It's never been the latter for me, but the errant phone call has certainly ruined a night's sleep on more than one occasion.

At 8:39 PM, March 21, 2006, Blogger junebee said...

Spider walk: Sadly, I could never nap. That's why it's so annoying (the phone)!

Crystal: Ya, the things we look back on...

Zube girl: That's the thing, we don't have caller ID because we have our cellphones, which have built-in caller ID.

Stringman: It's happened to the Citizen plenty of times, but not me since I don't stay in hotels much!


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