The Boor At The Pool
No, this picture is not of our community pool.
Yesterday at the pool, I saw a man there with his son. I recognized him because I've seen this guy several times. First of all, in the past, he openly asked me if I was indeed the parent of Branch and Blossom. Now bear in mind I do not know this guy. At. All. I do not even know his name. Another time he asked my mother how much we pay our nanny, to which my mother replied scornfully, "I would have NO idea!".
Our pool area has recently started sporting "No Smoking" signs. They are near the 3 canopied areas with tables where families usually congregate. The tables supply plenty of room for the acoutrements of family swim outings - gear bags, pool toys, snacks, sippy cups, etc. There are also many, many lounge chairs around the pool in unshaded areas. Usually, adults without children or older teens take up those chairs to catch some sun and avoid the noisy families.
Yesterday, as I cavorted in the pool with the Branch, this guy sat in the canopied area, occasionally yelling at his son (I know the poor kid's name is "Daniel" from his father's frequent admonitions) and chatting on the cellphone - and smoking a cigar. He was nearly sitting under the "no smoking" sign. As I prepared to leave, I asked him if he had seen that sign. He said he was blind (!) and accused me of discriminating against blind people. He then hurried off to the other end of the pool to avoid me (same thing he did after he asked me if I was Branch and Blossom's parent)leaving his nasty cigar on the table, which looked like a turd- it was brown and kind of bumpy and crinkly.
Wow. What a great example to set for your son: "oh, the rules don't apply to US!". I honestly think if this guy had been sitting in the uncovered area, I wouldn't have said anything about the smoking. But in the area where families congregate and nearly under the "no smoking" sign? And to top it off - he sports a gold cross necklace and works on weekends as a clown at children's parties. (My mother told me this after his conversation with her where he inquired as to our nanny's salary.)
yuck. a cigar of all things. the most offensive thing you could be smoking (well, that's legal anyway).
he's definitely a clown!...a rude one too! Or maybe his big ego is bruised when u told him the truth.
For some reason, this post reminds me of the Seinfield epi where George is at a children's party and pushes everyone (women, children, elderly) out the way to escape a small fire. Maybe the clown and bad-influence to children reference??
I'm used to people wondering whether Hugo's my child, perhaps it's the blonde hair?? When my father was younger people would horridly mistake me for his girlfriend. That was horrendous. Now they just think he's Luc's father...
I agree with Black Feline. I added you in my blog, is that Ok ?
Oh my God--What a FREAK!!
I wonder if he's like that clown in that movie "Uncle Buck"?
This guy sounds horrendous. Did he have a hairy chest and a very bad tan? That's how I picture him. Good for you for telling him about the No Smoking sign. He should be more considerate -- it being a community pool and all.
What a horrid example he's setting for his child!
An perfect Agent of Disorder, Florida Division.
I so miss having a community pool. When I lived in Springfield, IL for 3yrs I would spend all summer hitting the pool. The weather here in D.C. is unbearably hot.
Btw, I saw that movie Chungyang on Monday, it came up in my Netflix que. That's the 1st time I watched a Korean film, the singing narrator was quite annoying at times, but it was a worthwhile movie.
See? He just adds more fuel to the fact that I am horribly afraid of clowns.
Let the nightmares begin.
What an ASS!
--Sorry for the swears.
He sounds like a total slime ball. Hope you don't run into him anymore.
Hey Junebee.
That guy sounds like bad news...I'm sorry to report that I have no good advice that doesn't involve violence...
I guess you could just ignore him and hope that the cigars will eventually take their toll. Again, not a very nice thought, but let's face it...some folks are simply taking up good space and breathing good air (in this case he's not only breathing up usable air, but he's polluting the other air as well!)...
On that note, I hope all is well.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
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