Thursday, April 28, 2005

Right to Fight

Governor Jeb Bush (Go Jeb!) recently signed into law a bill that allows residents of Florida to fight off attackers. Of course, the liberal media is hyping the knee-jerk prediction that Florida will turn into the Old Wild West, with bullets flying hither and yon. Luckily, Sarah Brady did not hear about this (she admitted this in a local newspaper article) so the law actually had a chance to pass.

The fact of the matter is, anyone is now allowed to fend off an attack on themselves or their loved ones using any method, not only firearm protection. Numerous items can be weapons - a tire iron (I don't leave home without it), a knife, keys, or even a decent ball-point pen. And, at least in this area, the martial arts schools on every corner are filled with students (both adults and children) learning to defend themselves with no weapons at all ("empty hand"). Our martial arts school previously did teach "duty to retreat", that is, if there is a way of escaping, you have to take it, be it jumping in your car, running away, whatever. Now we can just kick their a**, as well we should. The cops can't be everywhere all the time, and who would want them to be? And if you're a 12 or 13 year old girl, well, it's open season in Florida.

This law finally gives the public a fighting chance. Learn how to use it to your advantage. Learn how to defend yourself and your loved ones. Have a plan and practice. You have the right to fight.

Free Cell

My mother and I are Free Cell addicts. We should join (or create) a support group. I know I play Free Cell every chance I get. Heck, sometimes I don't even feed the kids because I'm so busy playing Free Cell. And my mother perpetually has housekeeping to do because it keeps getting put off because she's playing Free Cell.

This must be another manifestation of a family trait, because my uncle used to play solitaire (back in the stone age, when he had to use (*ack*) REAL CARDS!) When he shuffled the cards, he never bridged them, resulting in a deck of cards with severe curvature.

But back to Free Cell. Have you ever checked the "Statistics" box? I consider myself a pro, I've been playing Free Cell almost since I got my first PC in 1999. Yet, I have never been able to win more than 37% of the games. Usually, with odds like that, I would give up. But, then what would I do when on hold on the phone, talking to my spouse, or watching tv? Besides, then I might actually have to feed my kids...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Oil Change

Changed my oil today. Nothing to give me that "I did it myself!" feeling like the ol' oil change. I use the GOOD STUFF (Castrol for high-milage engines). And I don't have to listen to some idiot tell me I need new CV joints or some other crap they say to rip you off. Nothing like a nice spring day underneath the Ford. :D

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Next Blog Please!

Ok, I was next-blogging my way through the last of my evening when I came across

Can someone please explain curling to me? I just don't get it. Pushing an object shaped like a teakettle along the ice, using a broom. Is this some sort of old traditional activity? It looks more like something invented when a bunch of guys had too many Mooseheads and their brains froze into beer slushies.

Are people who "curl" (assuming that's the verb, or is it "play curling" like "play tennis"?) really athletes? How do they train - by sweeping floors? Curling seems like fishing and bowling - s0mething to do while drinking beer. Beer's got to be in this picture someplace!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Missing Blogs!

I had to have my laptop re-formatted and I lost of couple of blogs I had saved as favorites. If you're reading this and recognize YOUR blog, please leave it's URL in Comments because I wanted to revisit it often!

1) You're a Japanese woman who wrote about cedar pollen in a March posting.

2)You're a woman who lives in the Mid-west but has a vista of the Grand Canyon pictured at the top of your page. I believe your blog is called "A View from Up Here" or something similar.

3)You're a man who is a pilot for a major airline. You post pics taken from the cockpit and you also write about golf (ok, I don't read the golf stuff, just the pilot stuff)

I have "next-blog"ged for untold evenings now and have not re-hit your blogs.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Cat faces

I saw the original cat face in "Cat Fancy" a few years ago. I made up the others.

>^..^< cat

>^!!^< surprised cat

>^??^< curious cat

=^--^= sleeping cat

[>^..^<] cat in a box

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Happy Pope Day!

John Paul II assumed the papacy just as I started my freshman year of college. His 1979 tour of the U.S. was scheduled to travel on Broad Street near the college I attended in Philadelphia. Although not Catholic, I decided that since he was dropping by my neighborhood, I would line up to see such an important world figure. Most businesses and schools were closed that day and the subways were jammed with pope-peepers flowing in from the surrounding area. John Paul II was scheduled to travel north on Broad Street and perform a service in a public park.

With no classes scheduled, my Jewish classmate and I cheekily wished each other a Happy Pope Day as we parted company the prior day. Camera in hand, I left the dorm early that day and took a curbside seat. I spent hours keeping the curb warm, an effort usually reserved only for obtaining tickets to a rock concert.However, the pope's entourage was behind schedule and the speedy trip up Broad Street resulted in only two shots of John Paul II - one coming and one going! I purchased a John Paul II button from a local street vendor and headed back to my dorm, pope images safely ensconced on the film of my camera.

Throughout the years, the Pope's position on world issues was given the same regard as that of the leader of a first world nation. The only 2 major issues I strongly disagree with are the Catholic church's continuing stance on birth control (considering the already exploding world population) and brushing over the sexual abuse scandals. I have worked in a psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents, and by far the most difficult patients were those that had been sexually abused. The (mostly) men who have been able to survive and get on with their lives deserve more redress from the Catholic church. But religion, being what it is, allows one to make up the rules as they go along.

Still, I feel lucky to have had the chance to see such a famous and world-traveled Pope. Think of the Frequent Flyer miles he must have! They will surely see him into heaven and beyond.

Happy Pope Day!