Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Today, Citizen X. went to take his oath of citizenship for the United States of America. Unfortunately, due to viral meningitis, I cannot attend the ceremony. I was
really looking forward to it.

What does it mean to become a citizen of the United States? You give up your citizenship to the country in which you were born. The country in which your parents most likely were born. The country where you grew up and played and went to school. Had friends and family. I couldn't imagine being a citizen of any other country. My citizenship is the essence of my being, and to me as unchangeable as my sex and race.
But, X. and many others from countries all over the globe RIGHT NOW are swearing allegiance to these here United States, forsaking their countries of origin, birth and their pasts.

Despite what it's many critics will say, the United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. It is not perfect. There are people who are still screwed by "the system" (health insurance system, judicial system, government buracracies, whatever subsystem of the system you can think of). But the United States of America offers the most people the most chances for the most success. And that is what makes it great. It offers freedom of religion AND freedom FROM religion. The United States offers a chance to disagree, to initiate change, and to begin anew.

I admire Citizen X. for renouncing his citizenship to the country of his birth. His citizenship further unites us as a family. I stand by X. with pride - pride in my husband and pride in my country. I have never been prouder to be an American.


At 11:07 PM, August 16, 2005, Blogger Julie Marsh said...

Hear hear. We aren't perfect, and we certainly can't please everyone in the rest of the world, but I don't want to live anywhere else, and I'm proud that others CHOOSE to live here.

At 11:38 AM, August 17, 2005, Blogger Jess said...

Many of us americans take all of this for granted. Congratulations Citizen X!!! Im proud to be an american and im proud that people like to become one of us, of all the places they could go.


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