The Black Belts Among Us
What's the image that comes to mind when you here the words "black belt"? A person, usually male, white and/or Asian? A lone, dedicated soul training high on a mountaintop in China? A person roaming the earth to right an ancient wrong? How about an action movie hero?
In reality, the black belts walk among us daily. They're not only the guys you'd expect to be trained in hand-to-hand combat such as policemen and military personnel. A black belt can be the "computer guy" in your office, your child's teacher or a home-care nurse. A lawyer or the visibly pregnant woman in front of you in the checkout line. Busy moms with toddlers in tow could black belts too. A black belt can be an entreprenuer, the manager at the big box store, and the construction worker that built the store. They're even church ladies. They're the shy kid in school, the math nerd, and the mousy girl in your daughter's class.
Martial arts training attracts a certain type of personality - a type of do-gooder, if you will. Someone with high standards for themselves and others, and someone with a sense of humilty. It's not the looks, occupation or income level that count. It's the person inside and their potential that are important in the martial arts.
"black belt" - What I wear with my black shoes.
Sorry :)
First thing that comes to mind - that belt hanging in my closet.
Second- Chuck Norris.
Sound like black belt is also another way of classifying a type of personality among the owners/wearers/earners.
Oh, I meant that in a good way.
Amen to that..:) black belt...a mark of distinction!
High standards for themsleves and others. I like that.
I always wear back belt, black and white are my favorite colors. Interesting post. YOu can use my pictures of course.
Hi Junebee! Thanks for your visit. I've got great news - my Charlie cat is home again.
You are right.
You never know who walks among us.
Yes! I aspire to be one of those people that make people say, "SHE is a black belt? That weak reed?"
Hey Junebee,
It seems that right after you accepted my friend request from blogger it deleted my blog..COMPLETELY!!
I am in a panic trying to get it back to normal, but my url is different now and so is just about everything else.
I just wanted to let someone know what was going on. It may be a while before I get it back up and running. :(
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