Cats in Sinks.
Cats in sinks is just that - pictures of cats in kitchen and (mostly) bathroom sinks.
Thanks to DottyNana
blathering on and on since 2005.
I've added a new feature at the bottom of this blog. I've inserted a quote from a great book I got for only 50 cents at the library. The book is called "1,911 Best Things Anybody Ever Said" (selected and compiled by Robert Byrne. Ballantine Books: New York, NY 1988). If you're a regular reader of this blog, check for updates below! Also, suggestions are welcome. I have to be able to verify the quote, either in this book or another source.
Well, it's been almost a week since I posted. I have recovered nicely from viral meningitis. Last Friday was the first day I felt really good. I cleaned and the new nanny G. and I took the babies to the pool. My appetite has returned and my energy level is coming back. I'm looking forward to the end of summer so it cools off and we can do things with the Branch and Blossom other than going to the pool. I know they are SO over it but it's too buggy and hot to go for walks or on the swings.
at 6 o'clock in the morning." So said my cousin's longtime girlfriend D. when she dropped in to see me this evening. D. said she was on the throne this morning when she heard a "plop" in the water (which she didn't initiate!). She stood up and saw a frog and despite vigorus attempts to flush said frog, the frog (in his attempt at self-preservation), attached himself firmly to her rear with his little suction-cup thingies. Naturally, this sent her (as it would any other red-blooded female) running and screaming into the master bedroom. The situation culminated in my cousin M. donning a pair of rubber gloves to remove the offending amphibian from D's butt. I didn't get why the rubber gloves were deemed necessary. But D. said it was a rather large frog, maybe larger frogs require more drastic measures.
Brandon Regional Hospital Stay: The Best and the Worst
Today, Citizen X. went to take his oath of citizenship for the United States of America. Unfortunately, due to viral meningitis, I cannot attend the ceremony. I was
I just spent 5 days in Brandon Regional Hospital with viral meningitis. I am still recovering at home. This is one nasty affliction - and this is one of the less severe meningitises. You definitely don't want to get the other ones either.
This link provides more than enough evidence to send parents running and screaming for home-schooling or private school. Why, WHY is the subject of families headed by same-sex parents even being INTRODUCED at the kindergarten level? A child’s world at this age is very, very small. The smallness of his world provides a certain level of security and a foundation upon which to gradually learn more about the world. This is hardly a topic appropriate for middle schoolers, much less kindergardeners. And now David Parker must actually go to court to preserve his son’s innocence.
Citizen X. has a car and I have a car. I have a choice of 2 cars to drive, but the Citizen is limited to his car because my car is stickshift.
President Bush recently signed a law to extend daylight savings time. It would start in March and end much later, in November. But if it's darker in the morning, won't we use more electricity (and hence, oil) anyway? And it's been proven that there are more traffic accidents when people have to drive to work in the dark.
Ok, here is my ultimate pet peeve: People who park DIRECTLY in front of the grocery store parallel to the sidewalk which is designated as a fire zone. In perfectly good weather. Because, well, they're just running in to get a few things and, really, they ARE more important than anyone else.
This is an affront to those who have died for our country. Russell Wagner's remains should be dug up and discarded in the city dump (local sanitary laws notwithstanding).
They want to make our subdivision a gated community. The only advantage to that is snob appeal, which I really haven't got time for. It really doesn't thrill me to say "Oh, do come for dinner this Saturday at 6. Just buzz us when you get to the gate. Because, you know, we DO live in a gated community." And that's just one more
I’ve been considering a part-time job for a couple of months. Last week I applied at a Major National Drug Store Chain online. I had gone to one of their stores with the Blossom to return a CD player that did not work. While the manager was processing the return, I asked her about the sign in the window that said “Pharmacy Technicians Wanted – Will Train” and she encouraged me to apply online.
There is actually a magazine called "Yall".