New Year's Resolutions
Ok, here goes. If I slip up in the first few weeks, I can always start anew on Chinese New Year, January 29.
* Lose weight (Yeah, I know. You've ALL heard that one before.)
* Clean out garage. Right now the garage is a huge junk repository. It would be nice to actually be able to park our cars in there! I actually started this project last spring and got one side of the garage done. But now that side looks as bad as the rest of the garage!
* Buy a bicycle lock and use my bike to ride to the store for small errands such as buying one grocery item I need for dinner. Thanks to Crystal for reminding me of this. And who wouldn't want to save gas money?
* Stop calling the Branch and Blossom "babies". I have been informed by Nanny G. that they are no longer babies!
* Floss teeth twice daily. This resolution usually starts out well but falls by the wayside around mid-year. I do always manage to floss at least once daily. I just hate flossing. It's a drooly mess. I'm surprised the bathroom floors of America are not littered with adult drool and severed fingertips.
* Take vitamins. Same as flossing. Starts out good but falls by the wayside around mid-year.
* Respond to comments on my blog by posting my own comments. I realized I enjoy knowing the blogger has read my comments, so I will endeavor to do the same to others.
Someone needs to put me on the spot in about 6 months and ask how I'm doing with this! Happy New Year to all.